First, the day before we left for our family reunion at Bear Lake, was Sam's baptism. Preparations were hectic, as all baptisms in our family have ever been. Sam was very particular about the special musical numbers he wanted us to do but we were so busy preparing for our leaving the next day and getting the refreshments ready that we had no time to practice the two numbers he wanted us to sing while he was changing. So we didn't sing them (don't tell him).
I made him a beautiful, tasty River Jordan cake:

You see those delicious chocolate rocks? Somebody sneaked a real rock in among the fake ones. Dad nearly broke a tooth when he tried to eat it.
The next morning, Saturday, I got up at 4:00 am because we planned to leave at 6:00 and I wanted to get everything I needed to do done before people were telling me I had to hurry. We left at 7:00.
Grandma and Grandpa drove up for Sam's baptism and so they also drove with us down to the reunion. They took three kids in their car and the others travelled in our car. I drove in our car. The 14 hour drive was rather too short to me because Mom spent just about the whole time reading us Great-Grandpa Greene's autobiography or sleeping so I didn't get to talk to her much, which was a gigantic disappointment. (Car rides just aren't fulfilling unless you get to talk to Mom the whole time.)
It had been planned for Grandma and Grandpa to take the three oldest (Sarah, Erik and me) to the Dushku's, in Centerville, while the others went on to the Eagle Mountain Burnham's house. However, we arrived in Centerville area at 9:00 and Aunt Jen offered to let the others stay so that they didn't have to drive another hour.
The next day was Sunday, July 17, my cousin's birthday. There were about thirty people there to celebrate with her so we needed a big cake. Aunt Jen was busy preparing a meal for that many people and presents for Bella so I got to make the four layer, red velvet cake:
We spent forever trying to figure out what design to give this cake so my cousin finally suggested this cake design by Cake Boss.
The other side of the cake:
Mom did the writing, because my writing on any surface isn't visually appealing. You see that cloth under the platter? That is our attempt to counter the cake's relentless sliding to the side because our filling was too thin.
Monday we went to welfare square for a tour and then went on to Bear Lake. Random pictures from the week we spent there because I'd rather not bore you with the details of the whole week:
The Lake
A second after I took the last picture, I heard a pop above me. I looked up in time to snap a picture of my murderer.
I wonder what impression he meant to make with this face...
The kids went hunting for tadpoles under the dock
They caught one!
The sailboat
That's all to post in part one of this post! The next one contains my trip to Langley! (And sorry about the weird formatting of this post, it just happened and I don't know how to fix it.)
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