If I were you I would be thinking, “Why is she writing a blog post at 2:00 in the morning?” Well the answer is very simple. No, nothing startling and life changing occurred tonight. No close relatives have died. My book has not been accepted for publication (how it would be accepted I don't know considering I haven't even finished the first chapter yet). The answer is three insignificant words that – put together – form a no more significant sentence. They are: I'm not tired.
There. Really, it's boring. Pathetic, really. I don't know why you're wasting time reading this. I mean that, I'm not just saying it because I'm trying to sound as cute as Sarah. Actually, I do know, it's because you love me enough to humor me. Thank you.
Why I'm not tired is hard to explain. It's hard because I'm not quite sure. Yeah, there are some things, like the two hour long nap I had this afternoon or Sam keeping me up until 10:00, but those things have happened before and I really have no idea why I can't sleep tonight.
I tried all the usual remedies. First, I decided I didn't care and thought about my book. (They were really interesting thoughts, by the way, but you won't be allowed to know them for a couple more years.) Next, I hummed Brahms' Lullaby to myself. That has always worked in the past. There is something completely irresistibly tiring about Brahms' Lullaby. It didn't do a thing.
By the time I gave up on Brahms, it was 12:07. I got up to turn off Sam's light and the ipod he was listening to and met Mom on the same errand. I told her of my predicament. She suggested math, but at the same time another thought crossed my mind: scriptures!
I mean, I was reading my scriptures when I fell asleep this afternoon! Why shouldn't it work tonight! (I don't normally fall asleep while reading my scriptures. I was tired and I was reading a rather uninteresting part of Leviticus.) I tried it. Unfortunately, I was reading in Ether and that was very interesting. I was still very much awake when I finished. On the positive side, it was really amazing to read my scriptures with absolutely no other interruptions. Nothing besides what I was reading even crossed my mind.
I finished reading at 12:40. So I decided to pack for my family reunion next week. Yeah, it may sound crazy but it was actually quite logical. We are supposed to pack tomorrow and it was really late but I weighed my options.
1) Lie in bed for another couple hours and spend tomorrow packing
2) Get up and pack so that I can have tomorrow free
I can't think of many people who would choose the first option. So I packed. It took a little less than an hour. I still wasn't tired when I finished so I cleaned my room. I'm still not tired. So now I am sitting here, drinking hot lemon, water and honey, while I write a blog post.
My goodness, that was excessively boring, wasn't it? But I will leave it, just because I'm like that. (I was about to post a meaningful, cool thought on Dreams that I have been planning for a while but I won't. This time it's not because I enjoy boring you out of your wits, it's because I'm really tired and I don't want to make that post about Dreams as... unique as the rest of this post has been.)